Roof Inspection with two roofers

What Should I Do If My Roof is Old But Looks Fine?

Roofs do not last forever, but some can last longer than most. In the roofing industry, an “old roof” typically refers to a roof that is more than 15 years old. While it is recommended for roofs over 15 years old to be replaced, you may feel conflicted if nothing appears wrong with your roof. Here is what you should consider if your roof is getting up there in age but still performing well.

1. Do Not Put Off a Roof Inspection

While it may be easy to neglect a roof inspection if your roof looks normal, a closer examination of a roof may uncover certain issues. Many roofing issues cannot be noticed unless it is being inspected up close. So, while your roof may look fine from afar, it may have existing issues you are unaware of.

2. Familiarize Yourself With Local Roofing Companies

While your roof may not need roofing services right now, it might in the near future. With a handful of local roofing companies in every town, it is important to choose the right one when the time comes. Choosing the right roofing company can save you a significant amount of money and help your next roof last a long time.

3. Start Thinking About Roofing Options

Even if your old roof is still holding up well, it is better to be safe than sorry. Once you acknowledge that your roof has reached an old age, start to consider your roofing options. While a complete roof replacement may be unnecessary, a roof repair can go a long way.

4. Do Not Ignore Minor Roofing Damage

If your old roof is still functioning, it might be doing so with minor roofing damage somewhere along the roof. Whether its a cupped shingle or a small hole, roofing damage will not fix itself. Even if your roof is doing its job, minor roofing damage will turn into major roofing damage over time if its allowed to do so.

Roofing Services in Smithfield, RI

Rhode Island Slate Roofing can help Rhode Island homeowners and commercial property owners with any roofing service they need! With over a decade of experience, we have built up significant roofing experience and expertise. Contact us today to get started!

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