Damaged Slate Roof with missing shingles

How To Tell If Your Home’ Slate Roof Needs To Be Replaced

While slate roofing is one of the most durable roofing materials on the market, it is still damaged over time, as any material is, due to damage from the elements and other factors. If you’re interested in learning more about how to tell if your home’s roof needs to be replaced, keep reading below for more information!

Check Your Attic

The first thing you should do to determine whether your home’s roof needs to be replaced is to take a look within your attic. If there are any leaks in the roof, evidence of their damage will be visible within the roof deck. Go into your home’s attic and look for evidence of waterlogged roof decking. It is also possible that if your roof deck has absorbed moisture that your shingles have as well, as old slate tiles can absorb moisture and rot. If there is any evidence of moisture visible in the attic, have the slate replaced as soon as possible.

Take a Look at Your Flashing

Another area that you should examine when assessing whether your roof needs to be replaced is the flashing. There are multiple areas where you might need to replace your roof’s flashing, including around your chimney, as well as around any vent openings in your home’s roof, as well as valleys in your roof.

Have a roofing professional take a look at your home’s roof to assess the extent of the damage to your flashing. If your flashing has been damaged for a long period of time, it has likely led to water damage within your roofing system, which, as noted earlier, is often cause for a roofing replacement.

Examine the Shingles Themselves

Another area of your roofing system that should be examined is your shingles themselves! Considering they are your home’s main line of defense against inclement weather, it is no surprise that they often wear down over time. Each spring, you should take a pair of binoculars and take a look at your roof from a good vantage point. Look out for missing shingles of course, but also smaller issues, such as hairline cracks & chips, and other damage.

Contact Us Today

If you’re interested in learning more about our team’s roof replacement services, we’re ready to assist! Reach out to our team today by calling us at (401) 255-2003 or by filling out our team’s online contact form! We look forward to hearing from you and assisting with your roof replacement needs!

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