Do Solar Panels Help Roofs?

Millions of homes across the United States have solar panels on their roofs. Solar panels on rooftops have grown in popularity over the years and the number of solar panels on rooftops is expected to increase in the coming years. Solar panels are known to help homeowners cut back on their energy bills and boost the environment but having solar panels can also help roofs! In this blog, we will explain how implementing solar panels on your roof can help your roof.

1. Solar Panels Protect the Roof from Sunlight

Direct sunlight is so potent that it can cause a roof to wear down over time. With direct sunlight shining on a rooftop, there is only so much a roof can take. After some years, sunlight can cause a roof to crack and lose its color.

2. Solar Panels Also Protect against Inclement Weather

Is your home located in a state where it snows or rains a lot? Similar to receiving direct sunlight, snow and rain can damage a roof. With a solar panel in place, the panels can act as a shield against inclement weather. Solar panels can handle inclement weather while getting the job done and protecting the roof at the same time.

3. Solar Panels Can Extend Roof Lifespan

In some ways, solar panels act as an extra roof for a building. With solar panels intact, roofs do not have to work as hard and, by default, can last longer.

4. Solar Panels Can Keep a Roof Cool

By absorbing direct sunlight, solar panels can prevent roofs from becoming too hot or overheated. Humans love receiving shade from the sun and roofs can receive similar treatment from the installation of solar panels.

5. Solar Panels Can Increase Aesthetics

With many roofs looking generic, solar panels on rooftops can give homes a unique feel and look.

Roofing Services in Smithfield, RI

Rhode Island Slate Roofing is a roofing company located in Smithfield, RI and can help Rhode Island homeowners and business owners protect their roofs. We have decades of experience in the roof industry and can offer a variety of roofing services. If your Rhode Island roof has seen better days, contact us and we can help!


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