Category Archives: roofing

roof with leaves

How to Tell If Your Roof Could be Damaged or Collapsing

It does not take rocket science to determine if a roof is damaged or at risk for collapsing. For example, although a roof that is covered with snow can be quite beautiful in the winter, it can actually put a lot of strain on the roof. Overbearing weight weakens the overall structure and can cause attic leakage, roof rotting and in some cases, collapse. Here are some common signs that you should take action with your roof.

1. Increased Roof Leakage

There are levels of roof leakage. It can start out looking minimal but then increase in no time. A roof leakage is not something to ignore, especially when it looks like the ceiling is about to burst. When you notice a leaking roof, address it immediately or contact the pros.

2. Walls Start To Crack

Walls can crack throughout a building for a variety of reasons, but if the crack can be traced to the ceiling, there is a good chance your roof is playing a part in the crack. While wall cracks are normal, they should not be ignored. A cracked wall is an open invitation to let water in.

3. Your Roof Begins to Sag

Last but certainly not least, a sagging roof could be the biggest indicator that your roof is damage and susceptible to collapse. A saggy roof is characterized as one that is caved in or curved, as opposed to a flat straight roof alignment. A saggy roof is typically caused by the age of a roof or by a roof being weighed down for an extended period of time. When you notice your roof starting to sag, be proactive.

Professional Roofing Services in Smithfield, RI

Rhode Island Slate roofing can handle all of your roofing needs across the state of Rhode Island. Our team comes experienced, reliable and dedicated. Our new roof installations can be completed in an efficient manner and we offer a variety of different types of roofs. If you do not need a new roof, we can still offer maintenance and repair services to ensure your roof lasts longer. The next time you need help with your roof, contact us today!


New Roof

Ways to Protect your Roof before the Fall and Winter Months

It is imperative to protect your roof year-round but especially have measures in place before the fall and winter months. This is especially true in a state like Rhode Island, where fall and winter can be frigid and brutal. The frigid and brutal weather in New England can do significant damage to roofs in the area. To give your roof the best chance of holding up during inclement weather, here are some ways to best protect your roof.

Check for Any Leaks

  • Now is a good time to take a look at your ceilings and walls. If you can see stains, that is often a key giveaway that something is wrong. Once the snow comes and covers your roofs, it will be almost impossible to find these little leaks. When leaks are spotted, be proactive and have it addressed immediately.

Check Your Gutters

  • Cleaning your gutters is essential during the fall season. Dead leaves and debris build up in your gutters can lead to rain overflow in your gutters. This can eventually lead to a clog in your downspout and damage to your roof, trim or siding. It is good practice to check and clean your gutters at least once a season.

Inspect The Home’s Exterior

  • If you are not comfortable being on your roof, do not worry. You can still examine your roof by walking around your house and looking for any cracked or curled edges or missing shingles. If you believe your roof should be inspected, remember that professional roofing companies can always help out.

Professional Roofing Services in Smithfield, RI

The Rhode Island Slate Roofing team has decades of experience reviewing roofs. If you require a roofing professional to examine your roof, we can get the job done! From there, if your roof needs any repairs or installations, we can also take care of that. With our variety of roofing types and options, you cannot go wrong. Our attention to detail, certifications, and resources will have you loving your new roof! Contact us today to get started!

skylight on roof

Benefits of a Skylight in Your Home

A roof with a window that allows one to see the sky is known as a skylight roof.  Skylight roofs became popular decades ago and still remain a trend! Not every roof will have a skylight, but for those that do, there is tremendous value and opportunity. Here are just a handful of benefits that can come from having a skylight on your roof.

Energy Saver

Homeowners want to save energy, but it is not always as easy as it sounds. With a skylight roof, saving energy can be quite simple. By allowing natural light to shine into your home, there is a direct correlation into how much energy you can save. Instead of paying for light, you are getting it for free. During the winter months, the natural light can actually reduce the amount of heat needed in your home. Whether you are trying to save some money or be a little bit more environmentally-friendly, you cannot go wrong with skylight roofs.

Healthier Living Environment 

Skylight can produce natural light that helps your body produce and develop Vitamin D. Ee all know all important receiving Vitamin D is. Experiencing a skylight roof can also improve your mood. Dark and poorly lit homes can bring down the overall vibe in your home.

Enhanced Ventilation

Skylights do not have to stay closed all the time. During the warmer months of the year, your skylight can be opened up and used to let some of the warmer air out of your house. Respectfully, when the temperature drops at night, it’s a great way to get the cooler air into your home. A skylight can help you stay comfortable in your home year-round.


Skylights have a tremendous visual appeal. When a skylight is installed properly, it can really make your home stand out! In addition to the other benefits, skylights can give your home an extra elegant look.


Professional SkyLight Roofing Services in Smithfield, Rhode Island

Interested in Skylight Roofing services in the state of Rhode Island? For decades now, Rhode Island Slate Roofing has provided skylight installations for a range of different roofs! Skylights are a tremendous addition to any roofs and bring with it many benefits! Contact us today to get started on your skylight roof!