The Benefits of Roof Ventilation

If you find yourself asking if your home needs roof ventilation the answer is almost always guaranteed to be yes. The reason for this is because proper ventilation provides a variety of benefits to any style of roof. Even roofs that have ventilation that is not quite up to par can experience numerous problems that are a result of this issue. To make sure that your home is properly ventilated it is important to do a throughout review of the roof as well as the attic and whatever existing insulation is already there. The temperature inside of an attic is crucial when discussing the health of a roof because extreme temperature, whether hot or cold, can play a large part in problems that develop. Without the correct amount of ventilation inside of an attic, hot air can become encased which leads to moisture and other liquid building up. This build-up can evolve into dangerous black mold. In addition to the black mold, this unwanted heat can cause snow to melt on your roof before refreezing into ice. By ensuring that your home has proper insulation will provide it with many benefits while avoiding the issues discussed here.

Extends the life of your roof:

Quite often individuals are fascinated by icicles hanging off the side of their roof. Although this buildup, called ice damming, can be causing damage to your roof that is invisible to the eye. The reason why this damage is hard to see is that it can back up underneath roofing materials which leads to your entire roofing system, attic, and walls suffering.

Reduces energy costs:

Proper ventilation within a roof is what gives heat the ability to escape a home which reduces the workload on air conditioners. When the temperature outside is high, the goal is to keep the home cool on the inside. A cheaper air conditioning bill can help save energy during these hot months.

Reduces indoor temperature extremes:

Often individuals complain of upstairs rooms being hotter than rooms found downstairs in the home. The same can go for those in ranch style homes, as their feet are often cold due to heat being trapped by the ceiling of rooms. These issues often arise due to roofs without proper insulation and can be resolved by getting the proper ventilation installed.

Rhode Island Slate Roofing Can Fix Your Roof!

Rhode Island Slate Roofing can help individuals with damaged property repair or replace their roofs today. We are happy to offer top of the line roofing services at an affordable price. Contact us at 401-225-2003


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