TPO Roofing

What is a TPO Roof and Should I Get One?

Most people who hear about “TPO Roofing” have no idea what it is or what it stands for. A TPO roof stands for thermoplastic polyolefin and is commonly found on commercial properties. While TPO roofs can be used for residential buildings, it is commonly associated with commercial buildings. If you own a property that is looking for a new roof, this blog will explain in greater detail what a TPO roof is and if it is the right choice for your structure.

1. TPO Roofs Are Durable

The layer of a TPO roof is designed to hold up against many elements. If your building is in an area that experiences plenty of inclement weather, a TPO roof can held withstand the elements. TPO roofs are hard to puncture which means they can provide a peace of mind.

2. TPO Roofs Are Generally Installed Faster Than Others

Every roof takes some time to install but compared to other types of roofs, TPO roofs are installed at a faster rate. TPO roofs use giant wide sheets, which speeds up the installation process. A roofing option such as shingles requires a piece by piece install.

3. TPO Roofs Can Prevent Roof Leaks

No property owner wants to experience a roof leak. Unfortunately, roof leaks are quite common in this day and age. Another strength of TPO roofing is its ability to prevent or lower the chances a roof leaks. With sheets of layer, TPO roofing can catch water damage before it happens. It is important to avoid roof leaks because once roof leaks happen, they can be a headache to deal with.

4. TPO Roofs Are Cost-Effective

TPO roofs can last multiple decades once installed. This means TPO roofs can be seen as a cost-effective solution. The last thing any property homeowner wants to deal with is replacing there roof every few years.


If you are looking for a durable, cost-effective, efficient roof installation, TPO roofing checks the boxes. While TPO roofs are mostly used for commercial roofs, they can be used for residential roofs as well. If your hiring a roofing company that offers TPO roofing, it is worth consideration.

Roofing Services in Smithfield, RI

Rhode Island Slate Roofing is a licensed and certified roofing company in Smithfield, RI. When you need any roofing service, you can count on us! Contact us today to get started!

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