How Severe Heat Can Damage Your Roof

On the Rhode Island Slate Roofing blog we’ve talked a lot in the past of how the winter can cause damage to your roof.  When people think about the seasons of the year and their roof, they usually thing of winter. However if you live in an area where heat waves happen, your roof can take on some serious damage. With the years first 100 plus degree day, we’ll take a look at how the summer time heat can hurt your roof!

Heat: Prolonged exposure to high temperatures is one way roofs can become damaged. This is especially true if you have a home that is exposed to the sun for more hours of the day. High heat can cause a roofs shingles to start to curl or deteriorate. Of course with this, you face further damage during rain storms. As always, the most important thing to do is be cognizant of the condition of your shingles around severe weather.

Humidity: Humidity is the presence of water in the air. Times of prolonged humidity is a cause concern for the health of your roof. If the temperature of your roof is cooler than the surrounding air, condensation can start to incur on your roof. The excess moisture can cause water damage and weaken the overall health of your roof.

Rain: In the summertime, we can experience times of prolonged heat followed by severe rain.  As we learned above, your roof can be “weaker” after a long heat wave. If this is followed by rain you roof could suffer from a multiple different issues, including leaks, cracks, moisture buildup and more.

As always, if your home has suffered from roof damage this summer in Rhode Island and southeastern Massachusetts, contact Rhode Island Slate Roofing today!

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