Questions To Ask a Roofing Contractor

Are you thinking this winter may be the last for your roof? Maybe you’ve been considering getting a roof for a few years now and you are ready to make the decision come Spring time. Before you take the next step of looking up roofing contractors, make sure your prepared with these questions when you call them:

Experience: This is an important one. Now days, with the right paper work anybody can appear to be a real roofing contractor. You’ll want to confirm with the company how long they have been in business and how many projects they’ve completed.  You don’t want to invest money into a company that has only completed a few roofing jobs.

Insurance: Don’t just take their word for it. Verify that they hold the insurance they have and make sure they have personal and property insurance.

Testimonials/ Recent Projects:  Any reputable company should have a working website you can visit and inspect their work. Make sure to Google their company name and see what people have to say about their work. Check sites like Home Adviser, Google Business, and Yelp!

Scope of Work: This one may seem obvious, but its important to go over. You should make sure that the roofing contractor you are considering includes clean up after construction is complete. The last thing you want to deal with after a new roofing project is debris flying all over your shrubbery and yard.

Warranty Information: Any roofing contractor that is worth it should have some type of warranty offered on their work. Shop around a few contractors to see what type of warranties are typical in your area.

Locality: Now days there are many contractor companies floating around.  We recommend going with a local contractor who knows the climate in your area and can best advise you on your project. Make sure the company you are dealing with is truly local, and they aren’t sending your project to a subcontractor.

If you are looking for a reputable roofing contractor in the Rhode Island and Southern Massachusetts are, look no further than Rhode Island Slate Roofing. A fully ensured roofing contractor who works with both traditional roof shingling as well as slate roofing.

Another Example of a Poor Roofing Job

The above video was taken by a roofing company in California. It highlights why it is crucial to hire a professional, vouched for roofing company. One that uses its own employees and follows through will the full scope of the job duties. This couple spent $20,000 on a brand new roof (with great GAF Grand Sequio Shingles).

The couple hired a reputable roofing company to provide a roofing inspection on their roof. You can see in the video they improperly did almost the whole job. The didn’t install flashing correctly. They left holes in the roof. They left many parts of the roof vulnerable to leakage. Even more this roofing company completely left parts of the roof undone, with materials laying around the roof.

As we further watch the video we can see that the ridge caps were not properly installed. Many parts of the roof are hardly even hanging on, they will probably fly off during the first big wind storm. Trash was left on the roof, parts of the old shingles and roofing were even left

As a homeowner, unless you are getting on a latter and inspecting your roof and a roofing company comes, you would never get to see how poorly of a job was done. This job is essentially $20,000 wasted. This couple will have to go to court to recoup their losses and will have to re-do the entire roof.

If you are looking for a reputable roofing contractor in Rhode Island, get in touch with us today.

How To Winterize Your House

If you are a first time home owner approaching your first winter, you probably have a lot of things running through your mind. How much will heating cost? How do I stop drafts? Will we get a plow service or should we deal with snow removal yourself? The questions are many. But what about your roof? At Rhode Island Slate Roofing, we know what to do before going into winter as a home-owner for the first time. Follow these steps if you have an older roof this winter.

Property Maintenance

If you live in a heavily wooded area, you’ll want to follow this one closely. Ideally if the fall you will assess your tree line in your property. Its crucial that you take note of any trees that may be to close to your property that are older, damaged, or have tree limbs sagging near your house. The last thing anyone wants to deal with is severe roof damage during a New England Winter Storm. Get these problem trees taken care of before high wind and ice storms combine for an awful situation.

Roof and Gutter Cleaning

This step is close to our previous one. If you live near large amounts of trees, chances are during the fall your gutters & roof get bombarded with leaves and twigs. If you don’t clean your gutters the debris, combined with water, will create large amounts of weight and stress on your roof. This weight can cause damage that eventually can build up to ice dams and roof leaks.

Make Repairs

A great way to extend the life of your roof is to go through periodic maintenance of your roof. This could be something as simple as replacing damaged shingles to replacing roof flashing.

If you think your roof may need a professionally trained eye before this winter, contact Rhode Island Slate Roofing today!

How To Inspect Your Roof After A Storm

With snow and ice storms expected to hit the Northeast over the next few months, Rhode Island Slate Roofing had decided to share some tips on how to inspect your roof for any damage.  Older roofs are more likely to see damage caused by these types of storms, but new roofs can also have damage to them. In Rhode Island and Massachusetts we also see older tress cause damage to roofs. As we covered in a previous post, make sure to get those taken care of during the Fall.

After a snow, ice, or wind storm pasts your property take these steps to inspect your roof:

Start Inside:

Start with your attic. If you see any sunlight showing through the interior, this could be an indication of holes that need serious repair.  Use a flashlight to inspect the inside of your roof. Be on the look out for dark stains or streaks that could be caused by moisture. If you see no issues, move on to the next step.

Go Outside:

From the ground level you should be able to get a pretty full look. Be on the look out for missing shingles that could be flown over your property. See if there are any cracked or curled shingles caused by ice or high winds. Inspect your flashing, the metal strips that seal parts of the roof, if any is detached or curling, that will cause future issues.

If you do find any of these issues, take note of them and call Rhode Island Slate Roofing. By repairing damage caused by winter storms, you’ll save yourself considerable money in repair bills later on down the line.


How Does Your Roof Affect Your Energy Bill?

Growing up, you were probably told by your parents how important it was to wear a hat during  winter. You may of heard some stat like, “75% of your heat escapes your body from your head!”. It makes sense, heat rises right? We cant confirm or deny these old wives tales, but when it comes to your roof (the head of your house) it is true that heat will escape it. That’s right, your roof does play a role in the cost of your utility bill.

With that being said, lets take a look at how different types of roof affect your energy bill.

Tiled Roofing

Tiled roofing is more effective at reducing energy costs than more traditional methods like shingle roofs. These materials are usually made to be resistant to thermal heat, making them great for  homes that are in direct sunlight for most of the year.

Metal Roofing

Metal roofs can be expensive, but they are extremely durable and have low maintenance costs associated with them.  Because metal has a reflective nature, the sun’s heat naturally bounces off the metal rather than be absorbed into your home.

Slate Roofing

Slate roofing is considered a green roofing product. Slate roofing will reduce your energy use and your utility bill. Slate roofing has a natural insulating quality to it. Studies show that slate roofing can provide 10% on energy savings.

One of the biggest factors for energy use for your roof is how well it is insulated. When we speak about insulation, your attic also comes into play. Remember,  the old wive’s tale about heat escaping from your head? Keep that in mind when picking out a new roof, or looking at new homes.

For more information on Slate Roofing and its benefits, contact Rhode Island Slate Roofing.

Problems The Winter Can Cause To Your Roof

This morning, across New England, residents were greeted with frost on their lawns, and in some instances slightly frozen windshields. As we enter into the Winter of 2017-2018 your roof will be open to the weather that follows.  As homeowners, you should be aware of the issues that can be caused during the winter season in New England. The following are coming issues we see in Rhode Island & Massachusetts

Flashing Leaks

  • On your roof, Flashing is the strip of metal that are placed along the front edge, ridges, and corners of your roof. When installed correctly, they protect your roof from leaks. If they aren’t installed properly, they can start to peel away and expose your roof to risks. Check your flashing every few months to make sure they are still creating tight seals.

Tree Limbs

  • High winds + old trees near your house = potential disaster.  During Nor’easter winds can approach speeds north of 50 miles per hour. If you have trees near your house, you should evaluate if they could put your roof, or home at risk during a storm. Limbs or whole trees breaking in half can completely destroy your roof.


  • Icicles form during the winter on days when the temperature goes above freezing. And while they may look pretty, they pose a serious threat to the structural integrity of your home, and are a danger to people and pets. Ice dams and their heavy weight can cause gutter and roofing damage.  Make sure you remove icicles before they cause a problem.

If you notice any damage to your home during the winter, contact Rhode Island Slate Roofing to perform maintenance and stop and potential roofing disaster.

Rhode Island Winter Roofing Services

Even though it seems like summer is lingering around this Fall, with temperatures in the mid 80’s recently, we in New England know that Winter temperatures are right around the corner. With winter temperatures, come winter conditions, and snow storms will be here before we know it. In recent memory, the winters of 2014 and 2009 proved to be some of the worst in the last few decades in New England. From a two week ice storm, to historic levels of snow, New England homes felt the consequences. Hundreds of roofing issues were reported in these winters. From collapsed roofs to leaks the damage cost homeowners thousands.

Rhode Island Ice Dam Removal

Ice dams are ridges of ice that form at the edge of a roof and prevent melting snow from draining off the roof. Ice dams can create havoc on a home. The ice will slowly melt, eventually leading to leakage in the roof. If the leaking is not taken care of right away,  the potential of a roof collapse increases. Damage can also be had on your walls, ceilings, insulation and other areas of the homes structure. Rhode Island Slate Roofing provides Rhode Island and Massachusetts residents and business owners with Ice Dam Removal services to make sure you can avoid a devastating situation.

Roof Snow Shoveling

Just like ice dams, snow build up on your home can lead to some serious repair or replacement bills for homeowners. Depending on the slope and style of your roof, there is only so much weight-age it can hold safely. Additionally, the build of snow can lead to ice dams as well. Don’t end up like the multiple people every year who injure themselves trying to remove snow from their homes their selves.  Contact the insured professionals at Rhode Island Slate Roofing.

Enjoy the last few weeks of warm weather New England. And as Winter comes, contact us for all your snow and ice dam removal projects.


3 Signs Its Time To Rebuild or Repair Your Roof

Your roof is one of the most expensive aspects of your home. But due to the life expectancy of modern, efficient roofs, they can often go forgotten about for years. The last thing any home or property manager wants to wake up one day and realize they need a completely new roof due to years of neglect. Even the most basic of maintenance can add a few years on to the life span of your roof. So lets take a look at the 3 things you should be aware when it comes to the overall health of your roof.

Leaks in your Roof

Leaks can start small and grow over time. Leaks that continue to develop in a homes roof is a sign that the roof in no longer protecting the interior from water damage. This could be solved with the replacing on tiles, depending on the severity.

Missing or Loose Shingles

Older roofs that are in the process of failing are prone to having loose or missing shingles. Maybe you notice after a bad storm or windy day your lawn is littered with roofing debris. You may want to make a phone call to a roofing contractor to check on the integrity of your roof.

The Age of the Roof

New homeowners sometimes neglect the age of their roof when they move in to their new house. Overtime, as the roof, ages, you should take into consideration the total age of the roof. Remember that most roofs last an average of 20 to 25 years. Slate roofing title last much longer.

Rhode Island Slate Roofing

If you notice any of these 3 warning signs, it’s time to call the experts at Rhode Island Slate Roofing. We have been in business in Rhode Island working on homes, properties, businesses, and everything with a roof! Contact us today to get your project started.

Slate Roofing Environmental Factors

Slate Roofing is a natural stone that is an eco-friendly, durable, and beautiful roofing material. While it is typically at a higher price point that traditional shingle style roofing, the benefits far outweigh the cons. There’s a reason why many churches, libraries, government & university buildings use slate roofing. It is dependable as a long-lasting roofing solution and can save on heating costs.

Roofing slates are produced from natural stone that is formed under intense heat and pressure underground.  A fireproof material that doesn’t saturate with water but has a characteristic that allows it to be split into pierces to form roofing slates.

The density of the slate material is what helps it be an energy reducing factor for larger homes, which is a reason why large government buildings use slate roofing when possible. The thickness regulates the temperature of your home, helping to keep it cool in the summer and retain heat in the winter.  Other eco-friendly benefits of slate include how long lasting it is. Slate will outlast you’re your home, and is typically recycled during house demolitions.


Some of the top producers of Slate shingles are:

  • Buckingham- Slate Corporation- This Slate is blue-black and produced in Virginia
  • Evergreen Slate Co. – Blue-Black colored Vermont Slate
  • Hilltop Slate Co. – Gray-Green New York & Vermont Slate
  • Monson Maine Slate Co. – Black Slate
  • Shelton Slate Products Co. – New York & Vermont carrying all colors


To get your Slate roofing project started contact Rhode Island State Roofing Today!

What To Consider When Looking At Slate Roofing

Are you considering a new slate roof? This blog has already covered the benefits of slate roofing. As well as the benefits to replacing your roof. But what should you look at when making the decision whether to use slate roofing vs traditional tile?

The first thing you should look at is the quality of the roofing slate. Natural slate roofing  comes in three levels of quality. These levels are S1, S2, and S3. The highest quality naturally provides the longest life term before it starts to deteriorate.  These quality levels are defined by ASTM International, a 3RD party company that takes slate through tests.  In Rhode Island, and especially New England, you want to make sure your roofer contractor is using S1 slate. This will last the longest and protect your house against the harsh New England winters.

Lastly, you want to consider the experience of your contractor. Naturally in every profession there are intricacies that go into each niche. You want to make sure you have an expert in the field you are making your investment in.

At Rhode Island Slate Roofing we have been working with slate for decades now. Our projects speak for themselves.