Common Roofing Problems

A strong, healthy, properly installed and well maintained roof is imperative in order to see the best possible results both short term and long term. For a variety of reasons, roofs have problems though and the number one frequent issue is leakage. Leakage is often the most notable and one that people immediately call for help about.  We wanted to dive into the main reasons that home roofs see leaks.

Clogged Gutters & Downspouts: When debris combines  with water, you get a gross sludge that can reduce the life of your gutters by weighing them down. Tearing down and moving around your gutters can then directly result in water getting into your home.

Deteriorating Shingles: Depending on where you live and your areas specific location, a roof can be expected to last as long as the warranty period, plus or minus a few years. This is important because knowing when your singles have been installed can give you an indication of how long they will last, and when they need to be replaced.

Fascia Rotting: The fascia on a roof is the lower part of a roof located just above the gutters. Clogged and built up debris in gutters can direct lead to a rotten fascia. This then can open up space for water, and animals to get into your home.

Deteriorating Pipe Boots: A vent pipe boot is a type of flashing that fits over a plastic vent pipe. The base of the boot lies over against the roof with its top portion covered by the shingles to defer water. The most common problem with this type of flashing is when the boot cracks or peels away from the pipe. From there water can easily flow into the roof.

After acknowledging you have a leakage problem, what’s next? If you can, get a pair of binoculars and try looking at the potential leakage issues. If you can find a problem first hand, then call a professional.

For more information about Rhode Island Slate Roofing and handling a leakage issue, please feel free to give us a call at  401-255-2003 or fill out an online contact form.